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Did You Know?


There are lot of unqualified self-acclaimed Bach Flower Consultants. CHECK THE AUTHENTICITY OF YOUR CONSULTANTS IF THEY HAVE A VALID PRACTITIONER LICENSE


Bach Flower Remedies are easy to learn. It's the human emotions which are hard to assess. ALWAYS REACH OUT TO A BACH CENTRE REGISTERED PRACTITIONER FOR TREATMENT FOR A BETTER OUTCOME.


Always check the source of the Bach Flower essence. USE ONLY THE ORIGINAL BACH FLOWER REMEDIES MIX for a straight forward result.


Bach Flower Remedies Practitioner’s license is issued only by

Dr. BACH FOUNDATION U.K. Always reach out to authorized Teachers approved by the Bach Centre. U.K. to start your Bach Practitioner's journey.


DO NOT FALL FOR FALSE CLAIMS about Bach Flower Remedies and lose your money. Always check for the facts and how Bach Flower works for better clarity.


LEARN AND GET TRAINED IN BACH FLOWER REMEDIES FOR SELF-HEALING only from a BACH CENTRE,U.K. registered Practitioner or Trainer offering the service.

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