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Original Bach Flower non-alcoholic Remedies

P. Keertana
IT Professional

I would like to thank Healing Works for bringing in amazing changes in my life. I approached Sujatha for my issues at my office with absolute lose in confidence, completely stressed out by the demands of my work & highly emotional as a person. Bach Flower remedies helped me to develop the much needed confidence and to recollect myself and be in charge of my emotions. My gratitude to Healing works & Bach flower remedies.

Original Bach Flower Remedies Personal Mix

The Labrador

My dog had health issues which used to suffer frequent epileptic attacks. In spite of constant treatment from Vet there was no much improvement as the reason was my pet's temperament. I got to know about Bach Flower Remedies and reached out to Sujatha mam  to check if anything could be done. Started to give RESCUE REMEDY to my dog as per mam's advice and to my surprise, the episodes of attack got reduced drastically. My pet's timidness nature also changed to great extent with addition of other remedies. Thank You.

Original Bach Flower Remedies Personal Mix

House Wife

I am a house wife who suffered sleeplessness for more than a year. My constant worries about my family prevented me from having a good night sleep and with health issues also cropping took Bach Flower remedies from Sujatha who helped me in the healing process through out and gain my sleep back. I am able to sleep peacefully without disturbances at night with my health also improving well. Bach Flower remedies have become part of our family's well being now.  Many thanks to Sujatha and Bach Flower Remedies.

Original Bach Flower Remedies Personal Mix


I would like to appreciate the help provided by Bach Flower Remedies to my bed ridden aged mom with mobility issues. She was unable to sleep during night for the past one year. I approached Sujatha for consultation. After assessment she recommended Bach flower remedies which really helped my mom to get good night sleep. I thank Sujatha and Bach Flower remedies for helping my mother.

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