Bach flower remedies for personality types
How to choose your remedy?
Choose your remedy mix based on your personality or negative behavior that you would like to change.
'I do not show my worries to others. I hide my worries from others behind a cheerful face'.
Virtue: From inner restlessness to openness.
'I am a very sensitive person. I usually have imaginary fears and apprehensions.
Virtue: From vague fears to feeling secure.
'I am a person who criticizes others and is highly intolerant of their behavior and shortcomings. I need discipline and orderliness'.
Virtue: From intolerance to understanding.
'I cannot say no to others. I am submissive and weak-willed'.
Virtue: From weak-willed to strong-willed.
'I cannot make decisions on my own. I always seek advice from others. I don't trust my judgement'.
Virtue: From uncertainty to inner certainity.
Cherry Plum
'I fear losing control in stressful situations. I have violent impulses'.
Virtue: From impulsiveness to composure.
Chestnut Bud
'I have learning difficulties. I fail to learn from my past mistakes. I keep repeating the same errors in life, resulting in the same situation.
Virtue: From oversight to learning.
'I am possessive. Being the center of attention in my loved one's life is crucial to me. I expect gratitude and recognition for my actions'.
Virtue: From demanding to giving love.
'My tendency is to live in my own fantasy world escaping reality.
Virtue: From future dream to living in the present.
Crab Apple
'I am picky about details and cleanliness. I have a tendency to become obsessed with minor things'.
Virtue: From compulsive behavior to acceptance.
'My responsibilities have made me feel overwhelmed and I am no longer confident in my ability to handle them'.
Virtue: From temporary inadequacy to confidence.
'I am a pessimistic person. I always look for negative outcomes in any situation'.
Virtue: From doubt to trust.
When faced with difficulties I am quick to give up and feel hopeless.
Virtue: From hopelessness to hopefulness.
I am an emotionally needy person. My own problems are the main focus of my attention. I need affection and sympathy, and someone to talk to about my worries.
Virtue: From self-centredness to empathetic listener.
​'I am easily annoyed. I feel hatred and anger towards someone. I feel insulted and hurt'.
Virtue: From spiteful to compassion.
'I keep worrying about my past. I am unable to let go of it. I have little interest in current affairs, remembering the good old days or regretting a lost opportunity'.
Virtue: From past to present.
' I have a habit of procrastinating'. I am lazy to do things'.
Virtue: From lack of enthusiasm to mental freshness.
'I am an impatient type. I get irritated by the slow pace of things. I am unable to wait for things to happen'.
Virtue: From impatience to patience.
'I am someone who has low self-confidence and self-esteem. I always feel inferior to others'.
Virtue: From lack of confidence to self-confidence.
'I am a shy and timid person with a sensitive nature'.
Virtue: From fear to courage.
'I have a melancholy disposition. I get depressed for no reason.
Virtue: From gloominess to joy & serenity.
'I am someone with an extreme sense of duty and never give up, even when exhausted'.
Virtue: From mindless perseverance to mindful determination.
'I am unable to achieve my goal due to extreme fatigue. I am completely exhausted and everything takes too much effort'.
Virtue: From exhaustion to renewal.
'I often apologize in different situations because I feel guilty. I am prone to blaming myself for the mistakes of others as well'.
Virtue: From guilt to self-acceptance.
Red chestnut
'I have a tendency to become excessively concerned about my loved ones. I am too empathetic'.
Virtue: From emotional connection to objective detachment.
Rock Rose
'I have a tendency to panic easily. At times, I am chronically nervous'.
Virtue: From panic to heroic courage.
Rock Water
I'm strict with myself." I have high expectations for myself and repress my true desires. I have rigid views'.
Virtue: From Rigidity to inner freedom.
'When faced with a choice, I am never able to decide. I tend to alter my opinion a lot'.
Virtue: From inner conflict to inner stability.
Star of Bethlehem
'I am in shock. Completely traumatized. I haven't digested it yet'.
Virtue: From shock to restoration.
Sweet Chestnut
'I am feeling helpless. I have tried everything. I have hit a dead end. I don't see a way out'.
Virtue: From helplessness to divine help.
'I am over-enthusiastic and give more than 100% straining my personal energy. I am highly-strung. I have strong sense of justice'.
Virtue: From exaggerated enthusiasm & restlessness to inner relaxation.
' I always want things done my way. I feel the need to dominate others'.
Virtue: From authority to inclusivity.
'I'm influenced too easily. Rather than being loyal to myself, I always allow other people to get in my way'.
Virtue: From external influence to inner guidance.
Water violet
'I tend to be aloof. I have trouble interacting with others'.
Virtue: From isoation to companionship.
White Chestnut
I'm unable to stop the unwelcome thoughts and inner chatter that I'm continually experiencing. I am lost in thoughts.
Virtue: From mental chatter to mind tranquility.
Wild Oat
'I lack inner direction. I really do not know what I want in life'.
Virtue: From lack of direction to inner calling.
Wild Rose
'I do not feel motivated to improve my unpleasant life. I've accepted life as it is. I have given up'.
Virtue: From resignation to embracing life.
'I don't hold myself accountable for my circumstances, and I frequently blame external forces or other people'.
Virtue: From blaming situation to taking personal responsibility.